Monitoring the Belém Framework for Action
It is one thing when governments commit themselves at a major international conference to achieve certain goals, and it’s another whether or not they then also meet these obligations. At the sixth CONFINTEA conference in Belém in Brazil at the end of 2009, a series of decisions were taken to strengthen Lifelong Learning and Adult Education in the so-called Belém Framework for Action. Now it is time to pay attention to these decisions and, if necessary, to determinedly remind people that they must be implemented.
Bettina Bochynek – from the Hamburg UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) who helped prepare the CONFINTEA VI conference and is now responsible for the follow-up work – presents how the UIL organised the monitoring process for the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action.
Timothy Ireland teaches Adult Education at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. From 2004 to 2007 he was National Director for Youth and Adult Education in the Brazilian Education Ministry and, after that, the Brazilian UNESCO representative for the preparation of CONFINTEA VI. He describes monitoring efforts in Latin America, where a first follow-up conference was held from May 25 to 27 in Mexico.
Tanvir Muntasim from Bangladesh is the South Asia Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator of the Asian South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education – ASPBAE. He illuminates the monitoring process from the Asian perspective. At the end of last year there was a meeting of education ministers from the Bangla Desh region in which ASPBAE participated as a civil society organisation. He stressed the need to systematise the follow-up.
Uruguay is a small country with 3.4 million people and 16 million sheep. But since 2005, a left-wing government has been working there, but it is also remarkable because of its education policy under the motto Lifelong education for all in the entire country (Spanish: Educación para todos a lo largo de toda la vida, en todo el país). The area of non-formal education, most of the time more of a Cinderella of education policy, was given equal importance with other sectors of education, school, higher education and vocational training. Jorge Camors is in the Uruguayan Ministry of Education and responsible for non-formal education.