Curriculum globALE established as degree programme in Guatemala
After long inter-institutional negotiations, DVV International has established Curriculum globALE as a degree programme in Guatemala.
In Central America, DVV International supports the establishment and expansion of a developed adult education system based on three pillars: migration, education and development. The services offered by DVV International in Guatemala enable the indigenous population and migrants in the region bordering Guatemala to actively participate in economic and social life. With this background in mind, a version of the Curriculum globALE adapted to the Guatemalan context was developed and designed as a degree course. In addition to DVV International, the regional university CUNOROC from Huehuetenango (a region bordering Mexico) and the Guatemalan Vice-Ministry for Non-formal Education were involved in the project.
On Friday, 10 March 2021, the course for adult educators began; it consists of five teaching modules with evening classes spread over six months. 170 prospective students wanted to enrol in the course. The demand was so excessive that the CUNOROC university administration had to make a tough decision and was only able to accept 80 of the applicants.
People were registering for a variety of reasons: For example, representatives of agricultural associations wanted to acquire the tools necessary for working with young people. Nurses and Vice-Ministry representatives from different departments – who lack experience in adult and youth education – wanted to attend the course to learn relevant skills for successful course facilitation in their respective sectors.
The huge demand for digital educational offers is also attributable to the pandemic, because with a reasonably stable internet connection, one can, after a busy day, join a further training course from home in order to learn how to become an adult educator and acquire the methods and didactics used in adult education.
A second course for the cohort of 90 deferred learners is already planned for 2021. This shows, once again, that adult education content and the Curriculum globALE meet with lively interest, and that lifelong learning can be implemented in a very practical way.