Publication series International Perspectives in Adult Education (IPE)
About the Series
Published at irregular intervals in the series International Perspectives in Adult Education (IPE) are country reports, comparative studies, monographs and materials, as well as experiences related to adult education, from one or several countries, which are looked at and discussed from an international perspective. Depending on the topic and target groups, the individual volumes are issued in various languages.
With this series, DVV International wants to make information and the experiences of different aspects of adult education available for colleagues from practice, policy and science, provide space for professional exchange and strengthen international cooperation in adult education.
Latest editions

IPE 81 (2023): Adult Learning and Education within the Framework of Lifelong Learning
Anke Grotlüschen / Alisa Belzer / Markus Ertner / Keiko Yasukawa (Autor*innen)
Uwe Gartenschlaeger / Kathleen Glenz (Ed.)

IPE 80 (2022): Citizenship education and ALE
Britta Schweighöfer (Author)
Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Anja Thöne (Eds.)

IPE 79 (2019): The contribution of adult education to active participatory citizenship
Bettina Brand, Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Eds.)

IPE 78 (2017): Adult education centres as a key to development - challenges and success factors
Maja Avramovska, Esther Hirsch, Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Eds.)

IPE 77 (2019): Rethinking adult learning and education - Asian perspectives
Uwe Gartenschlaeger (Ed.)

IPE 76 (2016): Refugees: A challenge for adult education
Matthias Klingenberg, Sascha Rex (Eds.)

IPE 75 (2016): Agenda 2030 - Education and Lifelong Learning in the Sustainable Development Goals
Heribert Hinzen, Sylvia Schmitt (Eds.)

IPE 74 (2016): 20th Century Mass Graves - Proceedings of the International Conference Tbilisi, Georgia, 15 to 17 October 2015
Matthias Klingenberg, Arne Segelke (Eds.)

IPE 73 (2016): Digital Adult Education - A Key to Global Development?
Anja Thöne (Ed.)

IPE 72 (2015): 1914-2014 - Remembering the past to live the present and shape the future. The contribution of European adult education
Thekla Kelbert, Emir Avdagic (Eds.)

IPE 71 (2015): Adult education in an interconnected world. Cooperation in lifelong learning for sustainable development. Festschrift in honour of Heribert Hinzen
Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Esther Hirsch (Eds.)

IPE 70 (2015): Research and Development in Adult Learning and Education in Hungary
Balázs Németh (Ed.)

IPE 69 (2014): Youth and Adult Education in Prisons. Experiences from Central Asia, South America, North Africa and Europe
Tania Czerwinski, Eva König, Tatyana Zaichenko (Eds.)