Applying Curriculum institutionALE

What do I need to know before applying Curriculum institutionALE?

Contextualisation and interdependence are important factors that need to be taken into account when applying Curriculum institutionALE.

Curriculum institutionALE offers guidance and structure to adult education institutions in complex organisational development settings. It is neither exhaustive, nor does it set minimum standards.

The indicators for adult education providers mentioned in Curriculum institutionALE are general categories. Context-specific SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) indicators, and even scoring tools, can be developed on the basis of these categories.

The same goes for conceptualising the capacity development process: Curriculum institutionALE merely suggests key steps and core elements. Its environment needs to be taken into account when conceptualising a specific capacity-development process. All tools and indicators need to be adjusted to the specific framework in which adult education institutions operate, i.e. legislation and other government regulations, local culture and practice. The actual goals, stages and tools have to be worked out together with the partner organisations, and may differ from country to country and from institution to institution.

Curriculum institutionALE step by step

Chapter 1: Introduction

The introduction lays out the purpose of Curriculum institutionALE:

  • Increase the impact of capacity development in adult education
  • Make adult education more visible and tangible
  • Improve communication and collaboration in organisational development teams

It further describes why and how Curriculum institutionALE was developed, and provides some instructions on its use. 

Chapter 2: Capacity development

Chapter 2 defines the scope of capacity development in relation to other concepts such as organisational and human resource development, and offers a cycle for capacity development, including the following steps:

  • Definition of the goal of organisational development
  • Plan for capacity development
  • Selection of partner organisation
  • Detailed organisational assessment
  • Agreement on cooperation
  • Capacity development activities
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Reflection on future cooperation

Chapter 3: Services and capacities

Chapter 3 describes the three main services that adult education institutions provide and the seven cross-cutting capacities needed to provide the services in a professional way.

For each service and capacity, a number of indicators is offered to facilitate analysis and progress assessment before, throughout and after a capacity development cycle. 

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