Strategic fields of action

DVV International is the only professional organisation in the world that focuses on the field of Adult Learning and Education (ALE), collaborating on development and international cooperation. We work from a holistic concept of education that takes equally into account the economic, social and personal development of people. An important focal point of our work is on improving access to ALE for disadvantaged population groups.

DVV International is firmly convinced that ALE plays a key role in overcoming the multiple challenges and changes currently facing the global community and every individual. Inequality and discrimination – especially with regard to access to basic education –, violent conflicts and wars, tackling the climate crisis and the necessary changes to the environment, the digital transformation as well as the consequences of forced displacement and migration will not be overcome without sustainable investment in ALE.The dismantling of (post-)colonial structures and preservation of democratic values requires an increased level of ALE. It is precisely this last point that makes it clear that an intensified global dialogue is necessary in order to do something to counter the disturbing populist and xenophobic tendencies in Germany and Europe well as and to strengthen an awareness for global responsibility.

DVV International achieves its goals through interventions in three spheres of activity:

  1. Through the support of projects that make the potential of ALE visible. In order to achieve longterm success in this area, an attempt is made, in cooperation with our partner organisations, to improve the legislative and financial framework conditions for ALE by engaging in lobbying and providing advisory services to governments. In parallel, we strengthen our mainly civil society partners with their organisational development and professionalisation.
  2. DVV International, as a professional organisation, makes its expertise available. On the one hand, it is nourished by the more than one hundred years of experience of the German Volkshochschulen (adult education centres), and on the other hand by the work of our partner networks at the national, regional and global levels. Practice-oriented studies and publications as well as specialised events are carried out jointly. Another central building block is the development of curricula and guidelines for organisational and policy advisory services as well as the training and further education of adult educators.
  3. Ultimately, DVV International participates with its network partners in global lobbying to improve the framework conditions for ALE. Especially for many partners from the Global South, goals formulated by international organisations and large donors are important factors for shaping national policies. At the European level, DVV International works intensively for greater attention to be paid to a holistic understanding of ALE by the European Union in order to also improve the framework conditions for German adult education centres.

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Strategic fields of action (PDF, accessible)

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