Cooperation with the German Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschulen – vhs)

The success of DVV International is based amongst other things on the specialist skills of more than 850 Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschulen – vhs), these forming the largest providers of adult education in Germany. DVV International makes use of the experience and expertise from the Adult Education Centres for its international work, and supports the exchange of experience between Adult Education Centres and partner institutions all over the world through partnerships, study trips, expert activities and joint projects. At the same time, DVV International guarantees through its project entitled Global Learning in the vhs that the experience gathered in its international work is fed back into the further education structures in Germany.

Global Learning in the vhs

The grant programme entitled Global Learning in the vhs is a long-standing cooperation structure. The programme has been supporting Adult Education Centres since as long ago as 1977 when it comes to entrenching in the course programme activities that entail a critical discussion of globalisation. German Adult Education Centres can apply for co-funding for different event formats in three funding tiers: for multipliers, for young people and for adults.

Go to Global Learning

Urban X-Change Network

The Urban X-Change Network offers nine German Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschule) and their counterparts in Great Britain, Ukraine and the USA the opportunity to carry out cross-border cultural and educational activities in close cooperation with their respective city administration and local civil society. The thematic framework is set by the 2030 Agenda.

Go to Urban X-Change Network

Exchange of expertise

DVV International supports the exchange of expertise between German Adult Education Centres and training institutions in its partner countries. The focus here is on “learning from one another” and exchanging experiences. Counselling activities, events and joint projects frequently lead to long-term partnerships between the institutions involved.

Go to exchange of expertise

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