
Frankfurt am Main is one of the most dynamic and most international cities in Germany; its citizens are connected to more than 180 different nations and the influence of diverse cultures and lifestyles. The city has set itself the task of recognising this diversity as a strength and using it as a locational advantage. But for this to succeed, intercultural understanding and appreciation of diversity must be both supported and required daily in the ‘melting pot’ on the River Main. The Frankfurt Adult Education Centre (Volkshochschule – vhs) has created its own range of offers for this purpose.

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The Mexican state of Chiapas, located close to the Guatemalan border, is a territory of cross-border mobility, with growing intra-regional, national and international migration. In recent years, it has become a migratory transit area for Central Americans and Haitians, who go to other Mexican states and to the United States in search of better work and economic opportunities that allow them to support their families, escaping gang violence, persecution and seeking protection from organised crime. In 2021, DVV International and the Secretariat for Gender Equality (SEIGEN) began their cooperation with the signing of an inter-institutional framework agreement that aims to develop a system of education and training for people who live and transit through this cross-border region.

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From 15-22 June, thirteen experts from Tajikistan visited Bavaria to familiarise themselves with the work of Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschulen – vhs) in Germany and to exchange experience on methods and innovative approaches in the field of adult learning and education.

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Eid al-Adha, also known as the “Festival of Sacrifice”, is one of the most important celebrations in Islam. Despite the spiritual and social significance of this festival, Eid al-Adha also presents environmental challenges. One of the major issues is the management of the skins of the sacrificed sheep. In response to this problem, a pioneering ecological initiative titled “A Thousand and One Skins” was launched this year in Djebel Semmama.

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After 30 years of operation, DVV International will end its project work in Ethiopia in June 2024. This comes at a time when significant milestones have been achieved together with the Ministry of Education in adult and non-formal education.

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What does it mean to learn reading and writing as an adult? What are the challenges, and how does it change your life? We posed these questions to learners from our African partner countries.

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DVV International operates worldwide with more than 200 partners in over 30 countries.

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