The Adult Education and Development Conference was held in Weimar on 7 and 8 May 2019 on the topic: "The power of adult learning and education – achieving the SDGs".
Guests from 30 partner countries, including government representatives, discussed the crucial role of adult education in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Starting from the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations, the approximately 150 participants discussed what significance adult education has for the educational goal (SDG 4) itself and beyond that how it can contribute to achieving key Sustainable Development Goals such as decent work, the reduction of inequalities, climate protection and the promotion of peace and justice.
Participants agreed on a set of key messages that were presented and discussed in the course of the conference. They are divided into six thematic blocks, starting with the overall role of adult learning and education for Agenda 2030, followed by its contributions to the educational goal. Thereafter, interactions and interlinkages with four other SDGs are laid down to highlight the relevance of adult learning and education for reducing inequalities and conflict prevention, promoting climate action and assuring decent work and better employment opportunities for all. The key messages are part of the outcome document which summarises the main results of the conference.
Outcome document with key messages for download (PDF)
Government representatives from different countries shared their impressions during the conference.
In the framework of the conference, on the evening of 7 May, DVV International celebrated its 50th anniversary with a festive ceremony. The ceremony in Weimar was attended by approximately 250 guests from Germany and abroad.
In his keynote speech, Dr Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, paid tribute to the Institute’s decades of successful commitment, and emphasised the considerable significance attaching to adult education for development: “Lifelong education forms the basis for reason, tolerance, equality, conflict prevention, peace at home and between peoples. The world needs nothing more than education.”
An overview of the work of DVV International over the past 50 years is provided by the anniversary publication (PDF).
DVV International operates worldwide with more than 200 partners in over 30 countries.
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