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Arab House for Adult Education and Development starts new webinar series

Due to the current unprecedented circumstances, the Arab House for Adult Education and Development (AHAED) started a webinar series in March on topics relating to adult education and development.

Together with the Arab Campaign for Education for All, the Arab Network for Popular Education, the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education and the Arab Network for Civic Education, DVV International founded the Arab House for Adult Education and Development (AHAED) in December 2019. The common efforts of the partners are focused on the capacity development of adult educators as well as on advocacy for adult education.

The first webinar on “What cultural, educational changes … after Corona” was presented by Dr. Zahi Azar, Secretary General of the Arab Network for Popular Education, during which he discussed, among other things, the end of globalisation and its implications for education and the crises of Arab civil society and the possibilities of its revival.

The second webinar was entitled: “Challenges of Adult Education in times of Corona”. The topic was presented by Professor Iqbal  ElSamaloty, Secretary General of the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education. Among many other topics, she addressed the concept of adult education and its crisis-related consequences as well as the role of civil society in light of the repercussions of Corona. In the webinar, participants shared their experiences. One of them gave information about training for a group of young women who provided face masks and full protection gear for health workers. Another participant spoke about an initiative that involves literacy classes, with women making up 90% of participants. Adopting Paulo Freire’s emancipatory approach, they worked in awareness-raising, humanitarian relief, assistance and preparedness of communities.

In all webinars the participants were actively involved through the contribution of valuable insights into their current realities.

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