
Never too late to learn: DVV International brings lifelong learning to Georgia

Gaining new perspectives and abilities, dealing with a painful past, strengthening self-esteem and self-realization, enjoying a sense of community with new friends, having fun, feeling young again, escaping from everyday life and learning new ways to communicate, these are just some of the reasons that brought adults, especially elderly people, to the Adult Education Centers in Georgia and motivated them to start learning again.

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Literacy Day: Reading - Still But a Dream for Most Afghans

Despite many efforts which are underway to ensure quality education and to open access to literacy education, the illiteracy rate in Afghanistan is still high. According to optimistic estimations the illiteracy rate in Afghanistan is 62 % and is considered among the highest in the world. DVV International and partners like ANAFAE fight to improve the situation, but they require more attention and support.

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From Canada to Ethiopia – how the collection of a specialised library on adult education found a new home

A shipment of 40 boxes with books on adult education started its journey from the University of British Columbia (UBC, Vancouver, Canada) to the DVV International East/Horn of Africa Regional Office in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). The books are from the Coolie Verner Memorial Reading Room (CVMRR – Coolie Verner was the first Professor in the Department of Adult Education at UBC), which is a specialised library, affiliated with the Department of Educational Studies at UBC.

The closure of the CVMRR comes at a point when other libraries and information services in Canada also had to close down due to the deep funding cuts in adult learning and literacy research over the past few years that basically dismantled the Canadian literacy support infrastructure.

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Window to the world

I am looking out a window. I see my childhood. I see a lake.

It is summer in Finland, and I am sitting in the summer cottage my grandmother bought in the 1950ies. I am editing the next edition of Adult Education and Development. I read texts from all over the world. They tell stories about what it means to be a citizen on this planet. They are touching, personal, angry. They are calls for action, testimonials, everyday insights. They are engaged, constructive, analytical.

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