A worldwide increase in crises and violent conflicts can be seen. Countries in the Middle East, Asia and the African continent are affected by conflicts, but more recently so are neighbouring European countries such as Belarus and, with the outbreak of war in February 2022, of course Ukraine. It is not unusual for the Institute for International Cooperation (DVV International) to work in crisis regions. However, work in conflict-affected countries has recently become exceptionally intense and requires a high level of crisis response capacity.
From May to December 2021 – still under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic – DVV International supported the online study Analysis of Digitalisation in ALE in Asia: Risks and Challenges for Reaching out to Marginalised Groups. The study targeted 47 stakeholders in three pilot countries from different regions in Asia – Palestine, Tajikistan and Cambodia.
DVV International, in cooperation with the Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), conducted an exchange visit in Uganda from 14-18 March 2022. The visit was to facilitate peer learning and experience sharing between Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda in ALE programming and service delivery.
DVV International has been working with local partners to promote lifelong learning and strengthen adult learning and education (ALE) in Ukraine for over twelve years. We would therefore like to provide an insight into the work that our colleagues and civil society partners have done in recent years. The focus has always been on building an ALE system with the involvement of civil society actors.
Citizenship education has become central to the field of adult education. DVV International’s work in North Africa is based on the four pillars of citizenship education: learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together, and learning to do. This work has now been translated into a photo feature recounting the journey of champions of citizenship education in Tunisia.
The Adult Learning and Education System-Building Approach (ALESBA) describes a complex system which claims to take into account all components for a sustainable adult education system. In Uganda, DVV International and the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, together with local governments, formed a strategic alliance to pilot ALESBA in four districts. The goal of the collaboration was to systematically improve adult education using a systems approach.
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