ICAE webinar series 2020

Following each issue of Adult Education and ­Development, our cooperation partner, the ­International Council for Adult ­Education (ICAE), offers you the chance to discuss the topics raised in the print issue in a virtual seminar.

For this last issue, ICAE will offer a series of webinars on “the good adult educator” in the course of February 2020. The following contributions of this issue will be the starting points of the webinars:

Glocalisation – How the Curriculum globALE was localised in Laos to train adult educators

Webinar with Uwe Gartenschlaeger, DVV International;
commenter: Katharina Popovic, ICAE. The webinar will be offered in English.
> 13 February 2020, 15:00 CET

It is not enough to fund teacher training, or to make the field more attractive

Webinar with Haldis Holst, Deputy General Secretary of Education International.
The webinar will be offered in English.
> 25 February 2020, 15:00 CET

The role of continuing education in providing good adult educators

Webinar with Carole Avande Houndjo, Pamoja West Africa, Benin;
commenter: Vincent Houessou, Ministry in charge of literacy, Benin. 
The webinar will be offered in French.
> 20 February 2020, 16:00 CET

During the webinars, the authors will present their thoughts and ­arguments, further discuss with the commenter and exchange with the participants. 

The webinars are free of charge and open to anyone! Do you want to participate?
You can register here or send an e-mail to policy@icae.global. Registration is open now! Deadline for registration is the day ­before the webinar takes place. 

The webinars will run in English or French on the platform zoom.us, which you can access through a normal web browser, or through the zoom.us app. Technical support is available if you need it. 

If you have any questions, donot hesitate to contact Ricarda Motschilnig (policy@icae.global).

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