Jakob Horn

Seminars for Adult Educators in Ethiopia in 1973


From September 20th to October 31st, 1973, the DVV conducted four seminars for the multiplicators of adult education in Ethiopia. The partner of the DVV was the Ethiopian Ministry of Education and Fine Arts. The participation of Ethiopian and international experts of the “Work-oriented Adult Literacy Project” (UNESCO project in Ethiopia) was very much appreciated by all people concerned.

This project was divided into a three week seminar, which was held in Addis Ababa and into three one week seminars, which were held in the capitals of the provinces Dessie, Harar and Jimma. A little over 30 multiplicators of the Ethiopian adult education took part in each of these four seminars (collaborators of the Work-Oriented Adult Literacy Project, Provincial Educational Officer and the people responsible for the adult education in the different districts). As far as content is concerned the seminar concentrated on the needs for the further extension of adult education in Ethiopia and on new findings of adult education‘s theory and methodol ogy with respect to the international discussion. The main subjects of the seminars were the fields of literacy, audio-visual aids, community development, methodology of evaluation regarding literacy programmes. A comparison of methods in literacy was of particular interest to the Ethiopian partners. The one week motivation semi nars, held in three capitals of the provinces, were considered to be of particular importance on the Ethiopian side. This, in fact, constitutes for most Ethiopian adult educators working in the field or on base practically the first possibility to proceed to a subject oriented exchange of ideas with their colleagues and gives a possibility to get familiar with new results of adult education.

Two facts should be given here as practical results of these motivation seminars:

  1. In future supervisors will be appointed in a province for an intensified activity in adult education.
  2. The participants have decided to meet regularly for the purpose of subject oriented discussions.

The importance of reaching adult educators in the province, – thus, “on base” – for measures of further training, resulted in the planning reflections of the DVV in four seminars, which are also envisaged for 1974 and are supposed to be held in the remaining capitals of the provinces of Ethiopia.

Reprint from Adult Education and Development Number 2, 1974, p. 34


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