Call for submissions

Issue 84

Inclusion and diversity

In the next issue of Adult Education and Development we look at the role adult education plays in building, fostering and understanding diversity. We are also curious how inclusion can be taught, if at all. If you are working with inclusion, or diversity, please write for us! We are looking for practical examples, research results, personal reflections, and projects. If you are critical and think too little (or too much) is done, we also want to hear from you! Both inclusion and diversity should here be understood in the broadest possible sense. We want to cast our net wide, to catch a rich variety of understandings and realities, from all over the world.

Send us your suggestions, abstracts and ideas in English, Spanish or French to the editor-in-chief Johanni Larjanko ( and the managing editor Ruth Sarrazin ( no later than 1 April 2017.

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