Selected abbreviations are included which occur at least twice in the text.
AA | Federal Foreign Office / Auswärtiges Amt |
AAACE | American Association for Adult and Continuing Education |
PAALAE | Pan African Association for Literacy and Adult Education |
ADC | Rural Development Association / Asociación para el Desarrollo Campesino |
AE | Adult Education |
AED | Adult Education and Development |
AGI | Adolf Grimme Institute of the DVV |
AGS | Social Improvement Network / Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialstruktur |
AKBiEZ | Working Group on Education in Development Cooperation / Arbeitskreis Bildung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit |
AKBP | Germany’s Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy / Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik |
AKLHÜ | Association “Learning and Helping Overseas” / Arbeitskreis “Lernen und Helfen in Übersee” |
ALE | Adult Learning and Education |
APAL | African Perspectives on Adult Learning |
ASPBAE | Asia-South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education |
BMBF | Federal Ministry of Education and Science / Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung |
BMZ | Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development / Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung |
CAEA | Chinese Adult Education Association |
CARCAE | Caribbean Regional Council for Adult Education |
CEAAL | Latin American Council of Adult Education / Consejo de Educación de Adultos de América Latina |
CEDEFOP | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CLADE | Latin American Campaign to Secure the Right to Education / Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación |
CONFINTEA | International Conference for Adult Education / Conférence internationale sur l’éducation des adultes |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee |
DANIDA | Danish International Development Assistance |
DED | German Development Service / Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst |
DESD | Decade of Education for Sustainable Development |
DIE | German Institute for Adult Education |
DOC | Document |
DUK | German UNESCO Commission / Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission |
DVV | German Adult Education Association / Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband |
EAEA | European Association for the Education of Adults |
EC | European Commission |
EFA | Education for All |
EFA/GMR | Education for All / Global Monitoring Report |
EQF | European Qualification Framework |
ETF | European Training Foundation |
EU | European Union |
FAL | Functional Adult Literacy |
FEMNET | The African Women‘s Development and Communication Network |
FTI | Fast Track Initiative |
GCE | Global Campaign for Education |
GRALE | Global Report on Adult Learning and Education |
GTZ | German Technical Cooperation / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit |
HE | Higher Education |
ICAE | International Council for Adult Education |
ICECU | Central American Institute of Popular Education / Instituto Centroamericano de Extensión de la Cultura |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IIZ/DVV | Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association / Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes |
IIEP | International Institute for Educational Planning |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
INWENT | Inwent – Capacity Building Germany / Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH |
IOM | International Organisation of Migration |
IPE | International Perspectives in Adult Education |
KANFED | Kerala Association for Non-Formal Education and Development |
KfW | KfW Banking Group / KfW Bankengruppe |
KMK | The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Laender in the Federal Republic of Germany / Kultusministerkonferenz |
LIFE | Literacy for Life |
MDG | Millenium Development Goals |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
NIACE | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales) |
NILE | Network for Intercultural Learning in Europe |
NQF | National Qualification Framework |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OWI | East-West-Institute / Ost-West Institut |
PAALAE | Pan African Association for Literacy and Adult Education |
PAMOJA | Africa Reflect Network |
PAS | Pedagogical Centre / Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle |
PRIA | Society for Participatory Research in Asia |
REFLECT | Regenerated Freirean Approach for Literacy and Community Techniques |
REPEM | Gender and Women’s Education Network / Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres |
TEACH | Teaching Adult Educators in Continuing and Higher Education |
TELC | The European Language Certificates |
TOT | Training of Trainers |
UGAADEN | Ugandan Adult Education Network |
UIL | UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning |
UK | United Kingdom |
UNLD | United Nations Literacy Decade |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Fund |
UPE | Universal Primary Education |
USE | Universal Secondary Education |
VHS | Community adult education centre(s) / Volkshochschulen |
WEF | World Education Forum |
WSF | World Social Forum |