International Perspectives in Adult Education (IPE)

Editions published since 1995

IPE 15
Volkshochschulen, internationale Kontakte und Partnerschaften (German)
Compiled by Hartmut Dürste and Manfred Fenner
IPE 16
The European Social Fund in the period 1994 – 1999 (English, German),
Compiled by Cornelia-Plesser-Löper and Anja Weber, out of print
IPE 17
Norbert F.B. Greger/ Ewa Przybylska
Adult Education in Poland (English, German)
IPE 18
Praxismodelle der beruflichen Bildung für Benachteiligte (German
Compiled by Cornelia Plesser-Löper and Petra Laux), out of print
IPE 19
Adult Education in Multi-Ethnic Europe
A Handbook for Organisational Change.) (Dutch, English, French,
Spanish) Compiled by Stella Dadzie (Ed.)
IPE 20
Praxismodelle der beruflichen Bildung für Benachteiligte 2 –
Europäisches Netzwerk zur Bekämpfung von sozialer und
beruflicher Ausgrenzung (German)
IPE 21
Strenghtening Self-organisations of Black and other Ethnic Minority
Groups in Europe (English, German). Compiled by Stella Dadzie
IPE 22
Fachglossar zur sozialen und beruflichen Integration von MIgrantinnen
und Migranten (German), out of print
IPE 23
Brian Martin (ed.)
Adult Education and the Museum (English), out of print
IPE 24
Klaus Bostelmann
Regionale und grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der
Erwachsenenbildung (German)
IPE 25
Heribert Hinzen
Ungarische und deutsche Erwachsenenbildung. Europäische
Partnerschaft und internationale Zusammenarbeit (German)
IPE 26
Uwe Gartenschlaeger / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.)
Prospects and Trends in Adult Education (English, German)
IPE 27
Heribert Hinzen / Josef Müller (Eds.)
Bildung für Alle – lebenslang und lebenswichtig (German)
IPE 28
Partnership and Solidarity in Action.
International Cooperation Activities of IIZ/DVV (English), out of print
IPE 29
Gerhard Müller / Wolfgang Schur
Erwachsenenbildung: Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und internationale
Zusammenarbeit (German, with a summary in English)
IPE 30
Wolfgang Schur
Politische Bildung in der Stabilitätspaktregion (German with a summary
in English), out of pr
IPE 31
Lernen für Alle – Learning is for Everyone – Lernfeste in Südosteuropa
2001 – Adult Learners Weeks in South Eastern Europe (English, German)
IPE 32
Sharing without Barriers – Learning Fair- Conference – Documentation,
Hamburg, 7-10 November 2001 (English)
IPE 33
Dénes Koltai
Theoretical, Economic and Regional Issues of Adult Education. Hungarian
Developments in an International Perspective (English), out of print
IPE 34
Ana Krajnc / Nives Licen
Adult Education in Slovenia (English)
IPE 35
Heribert Hinzen / Viera Prusáková / Ewa Przybylska
Equality – Inequality of Adult Education Opportunities in Europe
(English), out of print
IPE 36
Tzako Pantaleev
Adult and Continuing Education. Education Modernization Project in
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (English), out of print
IPE 37
Harettin Aydin / Reyhan Güntürk
Adult Continuing Education in Turkey (English, German, Turkish)
IPE 38
Peter Mayo / Michael Samlowski / Klitos Symeonides (Eds.)
Exploring Possibilities of International Cooperation in the Field of
Adult Education in the Eastern Mediterranean (English), out of print
IPE 39
Erhard Schlutz / Heinrich Schneider (Eds.)
Die Internationalität der Volkshochschulen – vom grenzüberschreitenden
Kulturaustausch zur interkulturellen Bildung (German)
IPE 40
Heike Catrin Bala
Remember for the Future. A Seminar of Handling History (English,
IPE 41
Wolfgang Schur
Afghanistan – Support to Adult Education – Actual and Future Potentials
for Development (English)
IPE 42
Heribert Hinzen / Jochen Leyhe (Eds.)
Bewusstsein für ein Europa von morgen. Chancen und Auswirkungen
der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union (German)
IPE 43
Heribert Hinzen / Hans Pollinger (Eds.)
Adult Education and Combating Poverty – Experiences from Development
Countries (English, German)
IPE 44
Heribert Hinzen / Ewa Przybylska (Eds.)
Training of Adult Educators in Institutions of Higher Education. A Focus
on Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe (English)
IPE 45
Jochen Leyhe (Ed.)
EUropas Zukunft – Unsere Aufgabe. Aktionen – Standpunkte –
Materialien (German), out of print
IPE 46
David Caruana / Peter Mayo (Eds.)
Perspectives of Lifelong Learning in the Mediterranean. Proceedings of
the Conference. Sliema, Malta, 13.-16.9.2003 (English), out of print
IPE 47
Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.)
Building Bridges for Dialogue and Understanding. Results from the EUSocrates
Project Tolerance and Understanding of our Muslim
Neighbours, 2002-2004, only in pdf-formate available
IPE 48
Christian Geiselmann / Johann Theessen (Eds.)
Adult Education and the Education Policy in Bulgaria (English, German)
IPE 49
Beate Schmidt-Behlau / Antje Schwarze (Eds.)
Im Dialog zum Miteinander. Ein Leitfaden zur Begegnung mit Muslimen
in der Erwachsenenbildung (German), only in pdf-formate available
IPE 50
Joachim H. Knoll / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.)
New BA/MA Courses and Qualifications in Adult Education. Academic
Study and Professional Training (English), out of print
IPE 51
Larisa J¡ogi / Ewa Przybylska / Margarita Teresevi¡ciené (Eds.)
Adult Learning for Civil Society (English), out of print
IPE 52
Heribert Hinzen / Hanno Schindele (Eds.)
Capacity Building and the Training of Adult Educators (English, French)
IPE 53/I
Adult Education and Embracing Diversity I
Snapshots from Intercultural Learning in Europe (English)
Adult Education and Embracing Diversity II
Developing Strategies for Mainstreaming Intercultural Learning Based
on Needs and Experiences (English)
IPE 54
Vocational Training and Retraining of Unemployed – Project Experience
in Kyrgyzstan (English, Russian)
IPE 55
Beate Schmidt-Behlau
Europe on the Street. Experiences from the EU-Socrates Project:
“EUrope with Method” (English, German)
IPE 56
Peter Mayo
Adult Education in Malta (English)
IPE 57
Joachim H. Knoll / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.)
Migration and Integration as a Topic of Adult and Continuing Education
IPE 58
Chris Duke / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.)
Knowing More – Doing Better. Challenges for CONFINTEA VI from
Monitoring EFA in Non-Formal Youth and Adult Education (English)
IPE 59
Heribert Hinzen / Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Eds.)
The Right to Education in the Context of Migration and Integration
(Bilingual English/German)
IPE 60
Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.)
Das Europäische Jahr des Interkulturellen Dialogs (German)
IPE 61
Henner Hildebrand (Ed.)
Sharing the Fruits of Experience from Guinea and Mali (English, French)
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