International Perspectives in Adult Education (IPE)
Editions published since 1995
IPE 15 | Volkshochschulen, internationale Kontakte und Partnerschaften (German) Compiled by Hartmut Dürste and Manfred Fenner |
IPE 16 | The European Social Fund in the period 1994 – 1999 (English, German), Compiled by Cornelia-Plesser-Löper and Anja Weber, out of print |
IPE 17 | Norbert F.B. Greger/ Ewa Przybylska Adult Education in Poland (English, German) |
IPE 18 | Praxismodelle der beruflichen Bildung für Benachteiligte (German Compiled by Cornelia Plesser-Löper and Petra Laux), out of print |
IPE 19 | Adult Education in Multi-Ethnic Europe A Handbook for Organisational Change.) (Dutch, English, French, Spanish) Compiled by Stella Dadzie (Ed.) |
IPE 20 | Praxismodelle der beruflichen Bildung für Benachteiligte 2 – Europäisches Netzwerk zur Bekämpfung von sozialer und beruflicher Ausgrenzung (German) |
IPE 21 | Strenghtening Self-organisations of Black and other Ethnic Minority Groups in Europe (English, German). Compiled by Stella Dadzie |
IPE 22 | Fachglossar zur sozialen und beruflichen Integration von MIgrantinnen und Migranten (German), out of print |
IPE 23 | Brian Martin (ed.) Adult Education and the Museum (English), out of print |
IPE 24 | Klaus Bostelmann Regionale und grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Erwachsenenbildung (German) |
IPE 25 | Heribert Hinzen Ungarische und deutsche Erwachsenenbildung. Europäische Partnerschaft und internationale Zusammenarbeit (German) |
IPE 26 | Uwe Gartenschlaeger / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.) Prospects and Trends in Adult Education (English, German) |
IPE 27 | Heribert Hinzen / Josef Müller (Eds.) Bildung für Alle – lebenslang und lebenswichtig (German) |
IPE 28 | Partnership and Solidarity in Action. International Cooperation Activities of IIZ/DVV (English), out of print |
IPE 29 | Gerhard Müller / Wolfgang Schur Erwachsenenbildung: Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und internationale Zusammenarbeit (German, with a summary in English) |
IPE 30 | Wolfgang Schur Politische Bildung in der Stabilitätspaktregion (German with a summary in English), out of pr |
IPE 31 | Lernen für Alle – Learning is for Everyone – Lernfeste in Südosteuropa 2001 – Adult Learners Weeks in South Eastern Europe (English, German) |
IPE 32 | Sharing without Barriers – Learning Fair- Conference – Documentation, Hamburg, 7-10 November 2001 (English) |
IPE 33 | Dénes Koltai Theoretical, Economic and Regional Issues of Adult Education. Hungarian Developments in an International Perspective (English), out of print |
IPE 34 | Ana Krajnc / Nives Licen Adult Education in Slovenia (English) |
IPE 35 | Heribert Hinzen / Viera Prusáková / Ewa Przybylska Equality – Inequality of Adult Education Opportunities in Europe (English), out of print |
IPE 36 | Tzako Pantaleev Adult and Continuing Education. Education Modernization Project in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (English), out of print |
IPE 37 | Harettin Aydin / Reyhan Güntürk Adult Continuing Education in Turkey (English, German, Turkish) |
IPE 38 | Peter Mayo / Michael Samlowski / Klitos Symeonides (Eds.) Exploring Possibilities of International Cooperation in the Field of Adult Education in the Eastern Mediterranean (English), out of print |
IPE 39 | Erhard Schlutz / Heinrich Schneider (Eds.) Die Internationalität der Volkshochschulen – vom grenzüberschreitenden Kulturaustausch zur interkulturellen Bildung (German) |
IPE 40 | Heike Catrin Bala Remember for the Future. A Seminar of Handling History (English, German) |
IPE 41 | Wolfgang Schur Afghanistan – Support to Adult Education – Actual and Future Potentials for Development (English) |
IPE 42 | Heribert Hinzen / Jochen Leyhe (Eds.) Bewusstsein für ein Europa von morgen. Chancen und Auswirkungen der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union (German) |
IPE 43 | Heribert Hinzen / Hans Pollinger (Eds.) Adult Education and Combating Poverty – Experiences from Development Countries (English, German) |
IPE 44 | Heribert Hinzen / Ewa Przybylska (Eds.) Training of Adult Educators in Institutions of Higher Education. A Focus on Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe (English) |
IPE 45 | Jochen Leyhe (Ed.) EUropas Zukunft – Unsere Aufgabe. Aktionen – Standpunkte – Materialien (German), out of print |
IPE 46 | David Caruana / Peter Mayo (Eds.) Perspectives of Lifelong Learning in the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the Conference. Sliema, Malta, 13.-16.9.2003 (English), out of print |
IPE 47 | Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.) Building Bridges for Dialogue and Understanding. Results from the EUSocrates Project Tolerance and Understanding of our Muslim Neighbours, 2002-2004, only in pdf-formate available |
IPE 48 | Christian Geiselmann / Johann Theessen (Eds.) Adult Education and the Education Policy in Bulgaria (English, German) |
IPE 49 | Beate Schmidt-Behlau / Antje Schwarze (Eds.) Im Dialog zum Miteinander. Ein Leitfaden zur Begegnung mit Muslimen in der Erwachsenenbildung (German), only in pdf-formate available |
IPE 50 | Joachim H. Knoll / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.) New BA/MA Courses and Qualifications in Adult Education. Academic Study and Professional Training (English), out of print |
IPE 51 | Larisa J¡ogi / Ewa Przybylska / Margarita Teresevi¡ciené (Eds.) Adult Learning for Civil Society (English), out of print |
IPE 52 | Heribert Hinzen / Hanno Schindele (Eds.) Capacity Building and the Training of Adult Educators (English, French) |
IPE 53/I | Adult Education and Embracing Diversity I Snapshots from Intercultural Learning in Europe (English) |
IPE 53/II | Adult Education and Embracing Diversity II Developing Strategies for Mainstreaming Intercultural Learning Based on Needs and Experiences (English) |
IPE 54 | Vocational Training and Retraining of Unemployed – Project Experience in Kyrgyzstan (English, Russian) |
IPE 55 | Beate Schmidt-Behlau Europe on the Street. Experiences from the EU-Socrates Project: “EUrope with Method” (English, German) |
IPE 56 | Peter Mayo Adult Education in Malta (English) |
IPE 57 | Joachim H. Knoll / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.) Migration and Integration as a Topic of Adult and Continuing Education (English) |
IPE 58 | Chris Duke / Heribert Hinzen (Eds.) Knowing More – Doing Better. Challenges for CONFINTEA VI from Monitoring EFA in Non-Formal Youth and Adult Education (English) |
IPE 59 | Heribert Hinzen / Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Eds.) The Right to Education in the Context of Migration and Integration (Bilingual English/German) |
IPE 60 | Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.) Das Europäische Jahr des Interkulturellen Dialogs (German) |
IPE 61 | Henner Hildebrand (Ed.) Sharing the Fruits of Experience from Guinea and Mali (English, French) |