Chris Duke, Prof. Dr., extensive writing and research, for more than four decades in key positions of adult education, like Secretary General of ASPBAE, Associate Secretary General of ICAE, and in the leadership of several Universities, now Chief Executive of PASCAL
Dagmar Engels, Dr., M.A., studied history, politics and literature in Freiburg, and later for her PhD on South Asia area studies in London, Director of Volkshochschule Ulm, Member of the Board of Management of DVV, Chairperson of the DVV International board of trustees
Benito Fernández Fernández, Licenciado in philosophy from Valencia, and postgraduate studies with UNED in Madrid, teaching, researching and evaluating on social movements, diversity and human rights, since 2002 director of the La Paz office of DVV International
Uwe Gartenschlaeger, M.A., read history with special reference to Eastern Europe, worked in political adult education before joining DVV in 1995, head of projects in the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, currently deputy director of the Institute
Malini Ghose, founder member and now trustee of Nirantar, a centre for gender and education, based in Delhi, and offices in Uttar Pradesh, extensive research and wirings on literacy, especially on ethnographic approaches, participant in CONFINTEA V
Henner Hildebrand, MSc, read educational social work and development planning in Siegen and Swansea, with DVV now for almost two decades as head of projects in Ethiopia and Guinea, currently coordinator of the Africa programmes of the Institute
Henner Hildebrand, MSc, read educational social work and development planning in Siegen and Swansea, with DVV now for almost two decades as head of projects in Ethiopia and Guinea, currently coordinator of the Africa programmes of the Institute
Heribert Hinzen, Prof.(H) Dr., read liberal arts and social sciences in Bonn and Heidelberg, research in Tanzania for his doctoral dissertation, joined DVV more than thirty years ago, head of projects in Sierra Leone and Hungary, currently director of the Institute, Vice-President of ICAE
Jakob Horn, Dipl. Pol., read politics, law and economics in Munich and Berlin, joined DVV in the early seventies, special interests in Africa and Latin America, head of projects in Hungary, longtime director of the Institute, died in January 2009 Gaby Kleinen-Rätz, studied informatics and computer science in Bonn, worked with the Information Centre in Latin America, joined DVV more than twenty-five years ago, she is now head of administration of the Institute
Matthias Klingenberg, M.A., studied contemporary history and political sciences in Heidelberg and Brunswick, worked for Goethe-Institute, German Academic Exchange Service and DVV International in Central-Asia, now co-ordinator for CIS of the Institute
Joachim H. Knoll, Prof. Dr., emeritus, before teaching and research on youth and adult education at the Ruhr University of Bochum, special fields of international and comparative studies in adult education, new entertainment and education media and technology
Ewa Przybylska, Prof. Dr., working for DVV since 1991, currently head of the office in Poland, before coordinator of Polish and German adult education cooperation, chair of adult education and comparative studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun
Alan Rogers, Honorary Professor at the School of Education and Professional Studies, University of East Anglia, formerly Executive Director of Education for Development, extensive researcher and writer on literacy and adult education in developing countries
Michael Samlowski, Dr., read philology and comparative education in Hamburg and Göttingen, periods abroad in Scotland and California, joined DVV in the early eigthies, head of projects in Colombia, long-time deputy of the Institute, retired in 2008
Beate Schmidt-Behlau, Dr., Dipl.-Päd., studied education with a focus on youth and adults, worked in Haiti on literacy with women for her doctoral dissertation, since early 2000 with DVV, especially on intercultural education, now coordinator of European programmes
Rita Süssmuth, Prof. Dr., President of DVV for the last twenty years, President of the OTA University of Applied Sciences, formerly the President of the German Parliament, President of CONFINTEA V in 1997 in Hamburg, Member of the Global Commission on Migration
Rajesh Tandon, Dr., read electronic engineering, and organisational science for his PhD in Cleveland, Executive President of PRIA, substantive writing on participatory research and training, formerly President of ASPBAE and a Vice-President of ICAE
Gisela Waschek, qualified teacher, Staatsexamen Lehramt Gymnasium, read German and French in Bonn, periods abroad in France, since 1990 staff member of DVV, editorial assistant in information and communication, responsible for the website, working for Infonet