

  1. 1997 CONFINTEA V The Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning
  2. 2000 IIZ/DVV Draft Dakar Framework for Action Education for All: Comments on the Framework by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association
  3. 2000 International Conference Lifelong Learning, Higher Education and Active Citizenship The Capetown Statement 
  4. 2001 DVV The Significance of Adult Education in Development Cooperation 
  5. 2001 IIZ/DVV Contribution to the Third Report of Government on Self Help and Reduction of Poverty 
  6. 2001 DVV The Role of the Volkshochschulen in the New Policy of Integration Resolution of the General Meeting 
  7. 2001 ICAE Sixth World Assembly The Ocho Rios Declaration Adult Learning: A Key to Democratic Citizenship and Global Action 
  8. 2002 John Oxenham / Abdoul Hamid Diallo / Anne Ruhweza Katahoire / Anna Petkova-Mwangi / Oumar Sall Skills and Literacy Training for Better Livelihood
  9. 2002 Sofia Conference on Adult Education Lifelong Learning in Europe: Moving towards EFA Goals and the CONFINTEY V Agenda Call to Action 
  10. 2003 International Conference Lifelong Learning in the Mediterranean Declaration 
  11. 2003 International Conference in Skopje Lifelong Learning, Adult Education and Employability Declaration by the Ministers of Education and Higher Education of South Eastern Europe
  12. 2003 International Conference in Pécs A Call for Cooperation in the Education and Training of Adult Educators through Higher Education Resolution of the Conference: Adult Education Studies at Colleges and Universities in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 
  13. 2003 CONFINTEA V Midterm Review Meeting in Bangkok Recommitting to Adult Education and Learning Synthesis Report 
  14. 2003 CONFINTEA V Midterm Review Meeting in Bangkok Enhancing International Cooperation and Solidarity Report and Recommendations from the Workshop 
  15. 2004 International Conference Adult Education and Poverty Reduction: A Global Priority The Gaborone Statement and Recommendations
  16. 2005 IIZ/DVV The Training of Adult Educators: Experiences and Expectations – Pointers, Concerns and Reflections Botswana Conference 
  17. 2006 EAEA Adult Education Trends and Issues in Europe 
  18. 2006 Commission of the European Communities Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn Communication COM (2006) 614 final 
  19. October 2006 International Conference in Beijing Adult Education for Learning Societies – Asian and European Perspective for a Globalized World Report and Statement 
  20. 2006 DVV Statement on the Adult Education in the Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy (AKBP) of the German Foreign Office 
  21. 2007 High Level Workshop on Adult Literacy Writing the Wrongs The Abuja Call for Action 
  22. 2007 DVV Towards the European Adult Education Action Plan ”It is always good time to learn” Statement 
  23. 2007 Commission of the European Communities Action Plan on Adult Learning: It is always a good time to learn Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – COM (2007)  
  24. 2007 International Conference in Bonn The Right to Education in the Context of Migration and Integration Statement and Report
  25. 2007 ICAE CONFINTEA VI – Key Issues at Stake Public Paper 
  26. 2008 DVV The Education Summit Must also Focus on Continuing Education Germany Needs a National Agreement on Continuing Education 
  27. 2008 European Parliament Lifelong Learning for Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation – Implementation of the Education and Training 2010 Work Programme Resolution of 18 December 2008/2102(INI) 
  28. 2008 DVV International Youth and Adult Education in Development Cooperation as a Contribution to Social Improvement Strategic Aims and Performance Profile
  29. 2008 EAEA Pan-European CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference Statement 
  30. 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean in Mexiko City From Literacy to Lifelong Learning: Towards the Challenges of the 21st Century Statement
  31. 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Asia and the Pacific in Seoul Building Equitable and Sustainable Societies in Asia and the Pacific Statement 
  32. 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Africa in Nairobi Power of Youth and Adult Learning and Education for Africa’s Development Statement 
  33. 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Europe in Budapest Adult Learning for Equity and Inclusion in the Context of Mobility and Competition Statement 
  34. 2009 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in the Arab States in Tunis Investing in Adult Education: Building Learning and Knowledge Societies in the Arab States Statement 
  35. 2009 UNESCO World Conference Education for Sustainable Development Bonn Declaration 
  36. 2009 Global Learning, Weltwärts and Beyond Bonn NGO Declaration
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