- 1997 CONFINTEA V The Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning
- 2000 IIZ/DVV Draft Dakar Framework for Action Education for All: Comments on the Framework by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association
- 2000 International Conference Lifelong Learning, Higher Education and Active Citizenship The Capetown Statement
- 2001 DVV The Significance of Adult Education in Development Cooperation
- 2001 IIZ/DVV Contribution to the Third Report of Government on Self Help and Reduction of Poverty
- 2001 DVV The Role of the Volkshochschulen in the New Policy of Integration Resolution of the General Meeting
- 2001 ICAE Sixth World Assembly The Ocho Rios Declaration Adult Learning: A Key to Democratic Citizenship and Global Action
- 2002 John Oxenham / Abdoul Hamid Diallo / Anne Ruhweza Katahoire / Anna Petkova-Mwangi / Oumar Sall Skills and Literacy Training for Better Livelihood
- 2002 Sofia Conference on Adult Education Lifelong Learning in Europe: Moving towards EFA Goals and the CONFINTEY V Agenda Call to Action
- 2003 International Conference Lifelong Learning in the Mediterranean Declaration
- 2003 International Conference in Skopje Lifelong Learning, Adult Education and Employability Declaration by the Ministers of Education and Higher Education of South Eastern Europe
- 2003 International Conference in Pécs A Call for Cooperation in the Education and Training of Adult Educators through Higher Education Resolution of the Conference: Adult Education Studies at Colleges and Universities in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe
- 2003 CONFINTEA V Midterm Review Meeting in Bangkok Recommitting to Adult Education and Learning Synthesis Report
- 2003 CONFINTEA V Midterm Review Meeting in Bangkok Enhancing International Cooperation and Solidarity Report and Recommendations from the Workshop
- 2004 International Conference Adult Education and Poverty Reduction: A Global Priority The Gaborone Statement and Recommendations
- 2005 IIZ/DVV The Training of Adult Educators: Experiences and Expectations – Pointers, Concerns and Reflections Botswana Conference
- 2006 EAEA Adult Education Trends and Issues in Europe
- 2006 Commission of the European Communities Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn Communication COM (2006) 614 final
- October 2006 International Conference in Beijing Adult Education for Learning Societies – Asian and European Perspective for a Globalized World Report and Statement
- 2006 DVV Statement on the Adult Education in the Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy (AKBP) of the German Foreign Office
- 2007 High Level Workshop on Adult Literacy Writing the Wrongs The Abuja Call for Action
- 2007 DVV Towards the European Adult Education Action Plan ”It is always good time to learn” Statement
- 2007 Commission of the European Communities Action Plan on Adult Learning: It is always a good time to learn Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – COM (2007)
- 2007 International Conference in Bonn The Right to Education in the Context of Migration and Integration Statement and Report
- 2007 ICAE CONFINTEA VI – Key Issues at Stake Public Paper
- 2008 DVV The Education Summit Must also Focus on Continuing Education Germany Needs a National Agreement on Continuing Education
- 2008 European Parliament Lifelong Learning for Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation – Implementation of the Education and Training 2010 Work Programme Resolution of 18 December 2008/2102(INI)
- 2008 DVV International Youth and Adult Education in Development Cooperation as a Contribution to Social Improvement Strategic Aims and Performance Profile
- 2008 EAEA Pan-European CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference Statement
- 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean in Mexiko City From Literacy to Lifelong Learning: Towards the Challenges of the 21st Century Statement
- 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Asia and the Pacific in Seoul Building Equitable and Sustainable Societies in Asia and the Pacific Statement
- 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Africa in Nairobi Power of Youth and Adult Learning and Education for Africa’s Development Statement
- 2008 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Europe in Budapest Adult Learning for Equity and Inclusion in the Context of Mobility and Competition Statement
- 2009 CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in the Arab States in Tunis Investing in Adult Education: Building Learning and Knowledge Societies in the Arab States Statement
- 2009 UNESCO World Conference Education for Sustainable Development Bonn Declaration
- 2009 Global Learning, Weltwärts and Beyond Bonn NGO Declaration