“I constantly learn new methods by taking part in training for educators”

Svetlana Isaenko

Svetlana Isaenko works for several projects implemented by the NGO “Business Women’s Club” in Brest. 

Adult Education and Development: How did you become an adult educator?

Svetlana Isaenko: I started my professional career as an adult educator. My first job after finishing postgraduate studies was at the Advanced training Institute for pedagogical staff, where I taught pedagogical and developmental psychology. After some time I simultaneously started teaching forensic psychology and psychology for business communication to specialists with higher education degrees who were enrolled in further education classes.

Please describe your current work.

As part of the project “Strengthening of national HIV and ­tuberculosis prevention, treatment, care and support systems in the Republic of Belarus”, I taught classes on safe sexual behaviour for long-distance drivers at the request of the Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers (BAMAP). My classes are held in the form of an interactive conversation based on training courses of BAMAP (in the classrooms of BAMAP Brest). Within the project “Education of women serving a sentence in open prison No. 1”, I taught a cycle of social and psychological training. The project was implemented with financial support from DVV International and aimed at the successful resocialisation of convicted women. Training courses were held in the summer of 2018, attended by a ­total of 40 women. The training subjects were conflict management, assertive behaviour, relations with the immediate social environment, and personal growth.

Which is your favourite working method, and why?

I prefer combined working methods: mini-lectures + group work + individual work + projective methods, etc. I had, and hopefully will have, different target groups, so combined working methods allow learners to come to terms with any educational situation. I constantly also learn new methods myself by attending train-the-trainer courses. For example, I recently learned about a forum theatre method.

What motivates you?

My work motivates me. I meet different people who have ­different social status, different jobs, things like that. I find all these things challenging, and I have to accept them.

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