Project Activities – an Overview
Ethiopia (Regional Office)
Areas of Focus: Initial and inservice training for adult edu cation practitioners, teachers, and learners; functional lit eracy pilot projects; development of non-formal vocational centres; awareness building and advocacy work among education policy-makers; development and production of teaching and learning materials; national and international experience exchange
Partners: Ministry of Education, local and regional educa tion administration bodies, institutions of higher learning, cooperatives, NGOs
Areas of Focus: Literacy training through the REFLECT ap proach, equipping adults with income-generating skills; conducting educational functions, producing radio pro grammes and teaching and learning materials for civic and citizenship education, promotion of gender equality, AIDS-awareness, and appropriate technology
Partner: Associação Angolana para Educação de Adultos (AAEA)
Francophone West Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Benin)
Areas of Focus: Basic training for local functionaries; nation al and regional further training measures and networking, e.g. in the methods of the REFLECT model; strengthening of self-help initiatives within the context of decentralization; publishing a newsletter for rural self-help organizations
Partners: PAMOJA (West Africa); Jeunesse et Développe ment (Mali), L’Association Malienne d’Éveil au Devélop pement Durable AMEDD (Mali); Journal Sôore (Burkina Faso); University of Dedo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Université Populaire (Chad); Institut Alphadev (Benin)
Guinea (Regional Office)
Areas of Focus: Basic training for members of self-help organizations; national literacy programme; initial and in-service training for local staff and coordinators; courses to enhance income generating skills and build environmental awareness; support for savings and credit associations, exchange and networking among NGOs at the national and subregional level
Partners: National Literacy Service (Service national d’alphabétisation SNA); the World Bank, the Guinean Literacy Network (Réseau guinéen pour l’alphabétisation REGA); Pamoja Guinée
Areas of Focus: Literacy training; promotion of self-help initiatives; fostering the development of livelihood strate gies, community development; AIDS awareness work
Partner: Lesotho Association of Non-Formal Education (LANFE)
Areas of Focus: Support for AE institutions and self-help organizations through inservice training measures and advisory services; literacy programmes; fostering the de velopment of livelihood strategies; production of print and audio-visual materials
Partners: Malagasy Adult Education Association (Associa tion Malgache pour l’Education des Adultes AMEA) and its members, including the Association Interprofesionnelle des Formateurs en Développement (ASIFOD); Fifampiofanana Fanabeazana Fikolokoloana ho Malagasy Mahomby (FFF), and the functional education consortium Éducation Fonctionelle des Adultes à la Base (EFAB)
Sierra Leone
Areas of Focus: Literacy training, training in vocational and income-generating skills, lending support to self-help organizations, health education, peace education, promot ing international exchange
Partners: Four NGOs, two institutes of higher learning, Ministry of Education
South Africa (Regional Office)
Areas of Focus: Institution building of AE providers and networks at the provincial and national level; basic educa tion and combating poverty; AIDS prevention and social welfare
Partners: AE networks and associations of AE such as the South African Network SARN, university institutes, numer ous NGOs
Areas of Focus: AE advocacy and networking; training for adult educators, functional literacy training; production of teaching and learning materials
Partner: Uganda Adult Education Network (UGAADEN) and its numerous non-government members, the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Asia and the Pacific
Asian-Pacific Regional Programme
Areas of Focus: Policy advocacy on trans formative adult learning; strengthening partnerships and networks; upgrading qualifications of managerial staff; spe cial priorities: poverty reduction, conflict prevention, gender equality; numerous studies and publications
Partner: Asian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (ASPBAE)
Areas of Focus: AE policy advocacy; combating poverty and fostering the development of livelihood strategies; activities geared to fostering conflict prevention, gender equality, and participation in resources and local govern ment; lending support to self-help organizations
Partners: Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) with two regional support organizations (UNNATI, SAHAYI), and the non-government organization for promotion of women NIRANTAR
Areas of Focus: Promotion of women, political participa tion; self-help initiatives, income generation and poverty reduction; micro-credit systems
Partners: Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wanita (PPSW Center for Women’s Resources Development); Perkumpulan Sada Ahmo (PESADA); South East Asia Popu lar Communication Programme (SEAPCP); Dana Mitra Maluku Foundation (DMM); Flores Institute for Resources Development (FIRD)
Areas of Focus: Promotion of women; fostering the develop ment of livelihood strategies and local self-government
Partner: DidiBahini
Areas of Focus: Environmental education; supporting self-help and women’s initiatives, and the development of livelihood strategies; literacy training
Partners: Center for Environmental Concerns (CEC), Center for Women’s Resources (CWR), Community Awareness and Services for Ecological Concern Inc. (CASEC), Peo ple’s Initiative for Learning and Community Development (PILCD)
Solomon Islands
Areas of Focus: Training for critical literacy; production of teaching materials in local languages
Partner: Literacy Association of Solomon Islands (LASI)
Areas of Focus: Initial and inservice vocational training; fostering development of livelihood strategies
Partner: Vanuatu Rural Development and Training Centres Association (VRDTCA)
Central Asia
Uzbekistan (Regional Office)
Areas of Focus: Vocational training; short-term vocational qualification courses for unemployed persons; supporting continuing education efforts in the tourism sector; support ing initiatives toward reconciliation and coming to terms with the past; training of adult educators
Partners: Centre for Higher Education and Technology; Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs; various colleges; different NG0; Institute for the continuing education for teachers
Areas of Focus: Promotion of adult education as a contri bution to stability; literacy training, vocational training, political education; democracy education; health educa tion; fostering income-generating activities; developing an AE Centre
Partners: Afghan Women Network (AWN); Kabul Univer sity of Education; Afghan National Association for Adult Education (ANAFAE)
Kyrgyz Republic
Areas of Focus: Vocational training and political education, supporting initiatives toward reconciliation and coming to terms with the past
Partners: Ministry of Education; Adult Training Centres (ATC); Kyrgyz Adult Education Association and its 15 members
Areas of Focus: Vocational training; vocational qualifica tion courses for unemployed persons; work with migrant populations
Partners: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection; Min istry of Education; National Centre for Adult Education under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection; Adult Education Association of Tajikistan (AEAT); Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligence (ASTI)
Latin America
Bolivia (Project Office)
Areas of Focus: Basic education and vocational train ing for youth and adults; strengthening government education pro grammes for youth and adults; initial and in-service training for adult educators; lending support to AE networks
Partners: Ministry of Education and selected NGOs
Areas of Focus: Ecological agriculture; political education, health education
Partners: Centro Ecuménico de Educación Popular (CEDEPO)
Areas of Focus: Social and environmentally oriented sus tainable development; ecological agriculture; in-service training of adult educators; intercultural education; strength ening human rights
Partners: Corporación EL Canelo de Nos; Iniciativas para la Democracia, Educación y Acción Social (IDEAS); Vicaría de Pastoral Social
Areas of Focus: Ecological agriculture and animal hus bandry; conservation of ecosystems; promotion of food security; training of trainers; schooling and vocational train ing; strengthening indigenous groups; promotion of women (education and training, promoting income-generating activities); strengthening rural communities
Partners: Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios Comuni tarios (CISEC); Asociación para el Desarrollo Campesino (ADC); Fundación Prodesarrollo del Occidente de la Sabana (PRODEOCSA); Corporación Esfera Azul (CEA)
Areas of Focus: Support for the development of a distance education programme for initial and in-service training of adult educators in the theory and practice of “Educación Popular” and training programmes in environmental pro tection and disaster management
Partners: Asociación de Pedagogos de Cuba (APC); Ministerio de Educación (MEC)
Central America
Areas of Focus: Literacy training; health education; political education; ecological agriculture and food security; environmental protection; continuing education for women and women’s empowerment; intercultural education; promoting the de velopment of livelihood strategies and financial management; strengthening rural and regional organization infrastructures; counselling services for cooperative undertakings; legal counselling; new technologies
Mexico (Regional Office)
Partners: Centro de Estudio para el Desarrollo Rural A.C. (CESDER); Educación, Cultura y Ecología A.C. (EDUCE); Patronato Pro Educación A.C.; Universidad Campesina Indígena A.C. (UCI); Sociedad Cooperativa de Asesores para el Avance Social (SCAAS)
Partners: Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Indígena A.C. (ADICI); Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente A.C. (CDRO); Servicios Juridicos y Sociales A.C. (SERJUS); Proyecto de Desarrollo Santiago (PRODESSA); Unión de Agricultores Minifundistas de Gua temala A.C. (UAM)
Partners: Federation de Tribus Pech de Honduras (FETRIPH); Consultoría para el Desarrollo Integral de Honduras (CDIH)
Partner: Instituto para el Desarrollo y la Democracia A.C. (IPADE)
Latin America – Regional Cooperation
Areas of Focus: Strengthening civil society; policy advocacy for youth and adult education; consolidation and strength ening of a regional adult education network
Partner: Consejo de Educación de Adultos de América Latina (CEAAL)
Areas of Focus: Latin American Women’s Network; Sup porting the development of livelihood strategies
Partner: Red de Educación Popular Entre Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe (REPEM)
Central Eastern Europe
Poland (Regional Office) Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary
Areas of Focus: Establishing and expanding infrastructures for the provision of continuing education advisory services; initial and in-service training for continuing education advi sors and teachers; AE policy advocacy; study trips for ex change and observation; support of innovative education programmes for socially disadvantaged and marginalized groups; creating online forums; AE publications
Partners: National adult education associations in Poland, Hungary, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Universities of Kaunas, Pécs, and Toru; adult education centres in Poland und Slovenia
South Eastern Europe
Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Regional Office), Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia
Areas of Focus: Building network structures; in-service training for adult educators; vocational training; promoting civil society; policy advocacy for adult education; publica tions; supporting efforts toward reconciliation and coming to terms with the past; intercultural learning; establishing European certification systems
Partners: Ministries, vocational training centres and agen cies, diverse cultural centres; agricultural schools; Uni versity of Bucharest, University of Iasi, New Bulgarian University, Universities of Sarajevo, Skopje, and Sofia; workers’ universities, third-age universities; national AE associations; NGOs
Eastern Europe
Russian Federation (Project Office)
Areas of Focus: Organizational development; AE lobby work (learning festivals, conferences); model projects geared to prison inmates, the elderly, and unem ployed persons; vocational qualification training for young adults; in-service training for adult educators around the themes of tolerance and conflict resolution; support of self-help initiatives; strengthening human rights; AE publications; rural adult education
Partners: Russian Znanie Society; Moscow Continuing Education Centre; Siberian Adult Education Association (SAOV); Pskov Association for Adult Education (PREA); Karelian Society for Free Education (OSO); Tosno Centre for Women’s Initiatives
Areas of Focus: Organizational development for providers of adult education; training for adult educators; community development
Partners: Lev Saphiea Foundation; NGO networks; Minsk International Education Centre (IBB)
Areas of Focus: Vocational qualifying measures; lobby work; community development Partner: IMPULS Education Centre
South Caucasus
Georgia (Project Office), Armenia (Project Office), Azerbaijan (Project Office)
Areas of Focus: Building continuing education centres; in-service training for teachers and administration staff, basic education for rural groups; vocational training / employment promotion; production of teaching materials; curricula development; lobby work; organization develop ment
Partners: Ministries of Education and Labour; state-run vocational schools and colleges; agricultural schools; state-run centres for information and communication: various NGOs; national adult education associations