
Although Jordan is situated in a conflict region and is characterised by internal social conflicts, the situation in the country has been relatively calm and stable for decades. The existing problems, such as resource scarcity, poverty and unemployment have however been exacerbated by the influx of Syrian refugees. The Covid-19 outbreak has further weakened the economy in the region. In particular, women and young adults are affected by unemployment. This is dramatic when one bears in mind that about half of the seven million inhabitants of Jordan are younger than 25 years old.

Despite great progress in recent decades, the education system is hardly in a position to meet the great demand. Adult education is only gradually establishing itself as an important pillar of lifelong learning. In state-run adult education, literacy and remedial education play an important role, but increasingly attention is being focused on the provision of key competencies and skills for income security. DVV International has been engaged in this process along with its partner organisations since the office opened in 2010.

Main focus of work

Innovative offerings: DVV International supports the development of curricula for innovative educational activities that should help participants to generate income and to defend their interests. Central to this are participatory methods that focus on the interests and experiences of the participants, encourage critical thinking and peaceful conflict resolution.

Qualified professionals: DVV International trains teachers to become certified professionals in adult education. The training conveys theories and concepts of participatory adult education and enables participants to apply different teaching methods, depending on the topic and needs of learners.

Powerful adult education centres: DVV International supports the facilities of governmental and non-governmental bodies to establish adult education centres and to strategically develop them further. The staff of the centres are supported to analyse training needs, to develop appropriate courses, to offer career guidance, to establish contacts with employers and encourage self-help initiatives in their catchment area.

Improving framework conditions: DVV International advises a working group in which all major partner institutions are represented. In Jordan, work is being done on a strategy and action plan for adult education by building on an already developed vision of ALE (Adult Learning and Education). This should not only improve access to adult education in the long run, but also the quality of the educational offers and the working conditions for the providers.


The most significant partners of DVV International in Jordan are the ministries of Education, Social Affairs and Labour, the Vocational Training Corporation, royal charities such as the Jordan River Foundation, as well as local non-governmental organisations. Representatives of all these partner institutions are involved in a working group on the development of a vision and strategy for adult education in Jordan.

Another important cooperation partner at regional level is Arab House for Adult Education and Development (AHAED), the initiative for the promotion and professionalisation of adult education, which is supported by four Arab education networks and represents a major step towards networking and lobbying for ALE in the Arab world.

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