
In May 2019, DVV International opened its location in Tunis as the regional office for North Africa. In addition to promoting adult learning and education in Tunisia, this office coordinated the projects in Morocco as well until the activities there ended in June 2023. Initial activities in Algeria have also been supported from the Tunis office since 2023.

On the basis of a national strategy for literacy, non-formal education and adult learning and education (ALE) introduced in 2017, DVV International has been working in Tunisia to establish an interdisciplinary ALE system. The goal of the approach is to promote lifelong learning, not only to support the acquisition of knowledge and skills of the individual, but also to contribute to the development of society, foster democracy and support the local economy. In cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs, DVV International endeavours to create an integrated system that works in an interdisciplinary way, at all institutional levels (centralised and decentralised, governmental and non-governmental). In particular, the system aims to enable access to education for all those who were previously excluded.

Main focus of work

DVV International provides technical and financial support to build a functioning system for youth and adult learning and education, non-formal education and lifelong learning. Furthermore, the institute seeks to strengthen partner organisations in their capacities and promote political dialogue in the interests of ALE.

 DVV International’s project work in Tunisia focuses on the following:

  • Revision of the national adult learning and education strategy: DVV International supports the development and implementation of action plans for the recognition of ALE certificates at organisations of the ministries of education, vocational training and employment. In addition, DVV International plans to operationalise an information system for monitoring and evaluating the ALE system.
  • Scientifically sound research on ALE: An informal North African network for scientific research is currently being established, such that new exchange formats are being created within this framework throughout the Maghreb countries.
  • Strengthening adult education organisations and their professional staff: In order to promote the organisational development of its partners, DVV International is implementing its Curriculum institutionALE. In addition, a guide with examples of successful practice for good institutional management at both the national and local level will be developed, along with a certifying training programme in higher education and social services for ALE teachers.
  • Piloting innovative approaches to ALE: DVV International supports partners in different governorates to offer non-formal and employment-orientated education and training courses for individuals with special needs. Start-ups and co-operatives in disadvantaged regions also receive support.


At the state level, DVV International works together with different ministries, in particular with the Ministry of Social Affairs and its subordinate institutions. Other cooperation partners can be found in the scientific fields, including the Institut Supérieur de l’Education et de la Formation Continue and in the field of non-governmental organisations, including crucial partners such as the Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne or the Association tunisienne pour le leadership, l’lauto-developpement et la solidarité (ATLAS).

Contact in Tunisia

DVV International
Regional Office Tunisia
Rue du Lac Huron,
Résidence Rahma, Bloc B , 1er étage
Les Berges du Lac
1053 Tunis

Regional Director North Africa:
Donia Benmiloud

Contact in Germany

Senior Desk Officer North Africa:
Dr. Johann Heilmann

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