DVV International has worked in Togo since the end of 2020, managing its activities through the country office in Lomé. The conceptual focus of DVV International in Togo lies on strengthening adult learning and education policy as well as helping to mobilise more resources for adult and non-formal education. The aim is to promote an integrated adult learning and education (ALE) system in the West African country and to support national and regional institutions in recognising the importance of ALE in their policies and practices. DVV International works together with the Ministry of Social Action, Women and Literacy. Tangible measures for the work of DVV International in Togo were defined and coordinated on the basis of an inventory of the national ALE system, carried out hand in hand with important state and civil society actors.
DVV International is committed to empowering state and civil society actors to take concrete steps to develop and expand essential components of the ALE system. In this endeavour, DVV International sets the following priorities in Togo:
The main partner at the macro level is the Ministry of Social Action, Women and Literacy, which encompasses the General Directorate for Literacy and Non-Formal Education (Direction Générale de l'Alphabétisation et l'Education Non-formelle). At the local level, municipal education centres are being set up and expanded on a model basis with a total of eleven municipalities located across all regions of the country.
DVV International operates worldwide with more than 200 partners in over 30 countries.
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DVV International
Country office Togo, bureau du Togo
Agbalapedo, Rue de la fraternité (Face ANADEB)
05 B.P. 1189 Lomé
Country Director Togo:
Ouro-Okourou Wakilou
Senior Desk Officer Westafrica:
Dr. Johann Heilmann