Reaction of DVV International Southeast Asia

The Regional Office for Southeast Asia initiated the production of face masks through the non-formal education (NFE) system in Laos and Cambodia. It is envisaged that NFE institutions in Laos, mainly Community Learning Centres (CLC) in Savannakhet Province already supported by DVV International, and so-called pilot CLCs in Cambodia will start producing face masks in order to address the acute shortage which has arisen because of the COVID-19 crisis. In a second step, when the situation has eased, this will also serve as an income-generating activity for CLCs.

Production of face masks

After developing a new standard for Community Learning Centres (CLCs) in Cambodia, DVV International is now piloting this standard at ten different locations across the country. In the context of the corona pandemic, DVV International equipped the ten CLCs with material for the production of face masks. Thus, they were able to meet the acute demand for face masks within a very short time. In the medium term, the production of face masks should also generate income.

Tutorial on how to sew face masks 

In order to prepare the production of face masks, a Non-Formal Education Centre (NFEDC) from Laos has produced a video in the Lao language with the support of DVV International. It explains how to make different types of face masks, taking into account that in some areas particular material might be more difficult to obtain than the material needed for other types of masks.

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