DVV International and the Family and Childhood Protection Society (FCPS) in Irbid, Jordan, started collaborating in 2014 by creating adult learning and education offers for Syrian refugees and the local community in Jordan. The success of this project laid the foundation for an enduring partnership. Kazem Al-Kafiri, President of the FCPS explains how – with the support of DVV International – his organisation has developed from a small, local organisation to an active national and international player in ALE (adult learning and education).
Mr. Al-Kafiri, your organisation and DVV International have been working together for almost 10 years. How would you describe this collaboration?
Over the years, DVV International has supported us by offering counselling and trainings in areas such as participatory learning approaches, project acquisition and project management, as well as financial support to better equip our classrooms. This has empowered us to now become a self-reliant provider of ALE in Jordan. The Community Learning and Training Centre that we established during the cooperation stands as an independent entity, attracting projects from UN Women, Deutsche Welle and others. The centre not only sustains itself through fundraising but also provides accredited training programmes for trainers, contributing to the continuous development of adult educators. This underscores the enduring impact of DVV International’s capacity development.
What is the main focus of your work, and how is FCPS contributing to the development of ALE in Jordan?
With our educational work, we aim to reach disadvantaged population groups in particular. We focus on vocational training for young people and educational programmes for women, many of whom have suffered domestic violence.
On a national level – and as a result of the collaboration with DVV International – FCPS has established the Jordanian ALE network with two other partners of DVV International. It is the first initiative in the country to bring together ALE service providers under one roof. The network symbolises the sustainability of efforts beyond singular projects. The advocacy on the part of the network for a broader understanding of ALE along with plans for an annual forum on ALE topics exemplify sustained efforts to drive positive change in the sector. With all its activities and offers, FCPS is now a nationally recognized ALE actor. Together with the Ministry of Education and the municipality of Irbid, we are also applying to become a UNESCO learning city.
Furthermore, DVV International invited and encouraged us to participate in regional and international formats such as UNESCO’s International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA). Now we are even contributing to discussions on ALE on a global scale.
Where do you see your organisation in the future?
We will build on what we have learned to sustain our contributions to the development sector, utilising ALE as a tool for positive change. I am sure that DVV International will continue to support us in this endeavour. Concretely, DVV International’s experience will be crucial for us in promoting and expanding the Jordanian ALE network. We also hope to further contribute to regional and international discussions on ALE.