Adult educators from five continents met in Bali, Indonesia, from 27 November to 1 December 2023 to discuss current issues and challenges at the World Assembly of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE).
The participants agreed that the results of CONFINTEA VII 2022, in particular the Marrakesch Framework for Action, provide good arguments for further lobbying at the global and regional level. In addition to the close cooperation already underway with UNESCO, exchanges should be intensified with other important actors such as the Global Partnership for Education or the development banks.
The strategic guidelines for 2023-27 were adopted at the Assembly. These lay down the objectives in the areas of lobbying, networking and support for members and the development of the organisation. The Assembly was unanimous in its conviction that adult learning and education must play a central role in tackling global challenges such as climate change, migration and the battle against populism.
The newly elected Board of ICAE got started with its work in Bali. DVV International is represented on it by the Director of the Institute, Uwe Gartenschlaeger. At the same time, Christoph Jost, Regional Director of DVV International in Southeast Asia, was honoured and thanked for his work on the previous Board.
At the World Assembly, ICAE also celebrated its 50th anniversary – the association was founded in 1973. As a global network, ICAE is committed to adult learning and education (ALE) as a universal human right. ICAE is organised in seven regional bodies (Africa, Arab region, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America and North America) representing more than 800 NGOs – regional, national and sectoral networks – in more than 75 countries. In 2023, ICAE was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame as an Organisation.
Further information on the ICAE World Assembly at the ICAE-Website.