ICAE Virtual Seminar on the last issue of “Adult Education and Development: Communities” starts on February 25

Following issue 81 of the journal Adult Education and Development, published by DVV International in cooperation with the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), ICAE is organizing a Virtual Seminar about the topic “Communities” from February 25 till March 20, 2015. 

The Seminar is free of charge and open to anyone. It runs via e-mail. If you wish to participate, send an e-mail to: icae@icae.org.uy 

The Virtual Seminar will be run in English. Comments can be sent in French or Spanish and will be translated into English.

The objectives of the ICAE Virtual Seminar are:

1. To promote a debate and dialogue on selected articles of the journal Adult Education and Development on “Communities” in order to go deeper and broaden the analysis. 
2. To create a virtual space as an opportunity to share experiences on community learning modalities, in different regions and contexts, and to inspire new initiatives.
3. To connect global commitments with local practices, building bridges between local needs and the Post 2015 development agenda, the EFA goals, and CONFINTEA Belen Framework for Action.

All the inputs of the Seminar will also be available at the ICAE blog.

The journal is available online in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

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