The journal

From 1973 until 2019, DVV International has been publishing the Adult Education and Development journal. Over the decades, the trilingual journal (English, French, Spanish) has developed into the worldwide leading professional journal on adult education and development with subscribers in over 160 countries. The current and last issue entitled "The good adult educator" was published at the end of 2019. Read more...

Final issue of AED (86/2019): “The good adult educator”

What makes a good educator? Is there a clearly defined job description and universal standards of competence? How can key competencies be conveyed? What challenges do adult educators face in their daily work and how do they deal with them? How can they be supported in this? Authors from more than 20 countries discuss these and additional questions on the subject of “professionalisation in adult education” in issue 86. They present theoretical models, analyse concrete challenges and describe good practice examples and methods.

Read the full issue

Virtual Seminar

Following each print issue of the journal, the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) offers you the chance to further discuss the topics in a virtual seminar.

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Adult Education and Development


DVV International operates worldwide with more than 200 partners in over 30 countries.

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Must read

How adult education can save your live

Article on the impact that adult education can have on our health.

Read the article by Henrique Lopes

“I had a tremendous fixation on wanting to study”

Interview with Tarcila Rivera Zea, Peruvian Quechua activist and member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Read the interview

“People never just randomly pack their stuff one day and migrate”

Interview with Doug Saunders, Canadian-British author and journalist

Read the Interview

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