Letter to the Editor
Adult Education and Development has been extremely very useful to developing countries. Its wide publication and circulation to countries globally is greatly appreciated. The journal has in no small measure revealed that Adult Education is a vital and veritable organ in education. It tends to improve development both at National, State and Rural Community levels. Adult Education and Development has contributed to the development of various countries especially the under developed countries in its journal in various areas.
Poverty Reduction
Going through various contributions from individuals both academics, administrators, educationists and professionals, Adult Education and Development has proffered various ways of combating poverty in developing countries especially in African countries. The ways include reducing or eradication poverty through Adult and Non-formal Education programmes.
Adult and Non-formal Education as a part of Education has been tackling the issues of illiteracy – the inability to read and write. There is no age or religious barriers in men and women in learning how to read, write and numeracy. This is what we may call long-life learning. lt has gone further to teach skills which can enhance youth, men and women at any age getting selfemployed, thereby reducing poverty arid unemployment in developing countries.
Let me at this juncture define Adult Education and Development to clarify and bring clearly what the journal is doing in developing countries.
Adult Education
The concept of adult education which has wide acceptability according to International Congress on Comparative Study (1962), is a process whereby persons who no longer attend school on a regular fulltime bases unless full time programme (specially designed for adults) undertake sequential and organized activities with the conscious Intention of bringing about changes in information, knowledge, skill, appreciation and attitudes or for the purpose of identifying and solving personal or community problems. Adult Education is meant to improve the individual and subsequently, the society in which the individual lives (Umezulike, 2006:27). The improvement of individual here implies acquisition of skills, values and knowledge which will sustain the individual in future, thereby bringing about sustainable development.
Adult Education is concentrating on programmes and strategies that will help reduce poverty and facilitate development. Jorge, (1996) states that educational process like adult education is geared to strengthen popular organization, citizenship movement, the popular economic sector and local community development.
Nyerere (2006) defined development as the expansion of man’s own consciousness and therefore of his own power over himself, his environment and his society. Ofuebe (1992) also defined development as a phenomenon in which individual and society interact with their physical, biological and inter-human environment, transforming them for their own betterment and in the process, lesson that are learnt are passed on to future generation to enable them improve their capacity to make further valuable, changes. Adult Education and Development had been carrying out studies in its journal on literacy, skill acquisition, environmental studies, ecological and climate change, health, empowerment of men and women to bring changes and uplift rural development.
In the journal of Adult Education and Development, there have been comparative studies and cases studies among countries whichmotivate countries in effecting development changes. These changes in turn moves to rural communities where the greater majority of people live in abject poverty, poor housing, poor health, malnutrition, bad roads, poor drinking water, no electricity. In fact these communities are characterized by poverty, misery, morbidity and underdevelopment. Adult Education and Development through its widely circulated publications has the purpose and Intention to see that all these problems in developing countries are solved and become a thing of the past.
The Journal of Adult Education and Development has been of immense value to researchers in Adult/non-formal Education and community development. Researchers, students of Adult Education are making use of the journals in writing their projects. This is because the journal touches all aspects of Adult Education Programme. It has also helped to facilitate teaching and learning in various adult education centres. It helped me a lot in my Post graduate (M.Ed. programme) in the Department of Adult Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
How can Adult Education and Development improve their publications?
As an individual and an ardent reader of Adult Education and Development’s journals, I have nothing at all to write on the improvement as the publications are always well edited to meet its developmental purpose. I will rather admonish that the Adult Education and Development should keep it up and maintain its quality of work. I find the Journal superb in quality and content. I very much appreciate your consistent efforts in sending your journals to all parts of the world which earns it popularity. This is quite appreciative and commendable indeed. What gives me joy mostly is that the journals are published in different languages – English Latin arid French. This makes it a global journal. I fervently pray that the Adult Education and Development should keep it up and not to relent in maintaining the quality of the journal. Once more your journal is highly worthy of commendation.
J. C. Onyishi, Nigeria
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